The Principal

March 6, 2014 § 1 Comment

So as a special education parent it’s easy to forget that the school principal has anything to do at all with your kid.

I just deal so much with the special education people that the general education people often take a back seat in their roles.

A few times over the years the school principal has stepped in and the outcome has always been positive. She listens, she cares and she is invested in my daughter. Her voice is powerful and I have under underutilized it.

I am also blessed to work for a principal whom I see in the same light. He is caring, thoughtful and sees the “big picture” – he cares more about the kids and families than people probably realize.

So today when I talked out the IEP issues that I was facing with Arianna with a friend – I remembered the principal. I called her and she did what no one else seems to do – she listened!
Not only did she listen but she understood and ensured me it would be taken care of because after all “Ari should get what is on her IEP.”

Finally, someone listened! Principals can be wonderful and as an educator and a parent I have only dealt with wonderful ones. I know not everyone has had the same fortune.

I have no advice tonight for teachers, only a wish, that they work under a great principal who will make sure that children are getting what they need.

And to my daughter’s principal on the off chance she ever reads this – You rock!

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